Posted by: tahmin1 | November 5, 2008

Meditation in Bangladesh

There are two types of popular meditation course practised in Bangladesh called Sylva Method and Quantum Method. Quantum Method Meditation Course is a four-day course that provides basic training in Quantum Method – the ‘science of living’. It is a combination of meditation techniques and life principles that, if applied, will bring peace, health, happiness and success to your life.

Since it’s beginning in 1993, the course has been enormously successful and popular in Bangladesh. It is the first meditation or self empowerment course to complete 278 consecutive batches in Bangladesh— which itself is a testament to its popularity. Participants have come from all walks of life: 70 year old men and 12 year old children, professors and students, artists and religious leaders, politicians and journalists, housewives and teenagers, professionals and frustrated job seekers, famous celebrities and ordinary workers all sit together to take part in the course. Thousands of experiences reported by the participants testify to its effectiveness.It is a harmonious blend of the age-old processes followed by spiritual seekers and modern scientific techniques.

  • Anyone above age 12 and of average intelligence and knowledge can easily comprehend and apply the techniques of the course.
  • No matter what your religion, philosophy or ideology is, you can attain peace, good health, and success through Quantum Method.
  • There are CDs, tapes and books to facilitate individual practice. There are also regular group meditations, discussions, and workshops for group practice.
  • People of all ages and physical conditions can easily take part in the course.
  • You can wear any ordinary loose garment while you take part in the course: special attire is not required.

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